Price assure and refunds on domestic flights

Everybody who prepares all aspects of their holiday on the internet knows that keeping track of fares is difficult task. You book your trip and two days later you see a lower price. Did you know that on many domestic flights you can get a refund for the difference if price drops. TripIT service monitors all of your reservations, flights, hotels, restaurants and everything else to sort them out no matter where you booked. In September, TripIT started a new service for their Pro package that monitors and finds flights that are eligible for refunds. The system alerts you on possible savings for your domestic flight in the U.S. and gives you information on how to obtain your bonus.
Called the Refund Tracker, the system found out that the possibility of a refund can occur in flights that were booked a month or more ago. Not only that, but for two months, the Refund Monitor found out that 10% of all domestic flights in the United States are eligible for a refund. The service can actually save you up to $100. According to TripIT president and co-founder Gregg Brockway, the Refund Tracker takes away peoples worries when they book their flights and arrange their holiday early.
But talking in numbers, TripIT has found the top 5 airlines that are most likely to give you a refund. According to latest statistics, Alaska Airlines gives refunds to more than 29% of its flights passengers. Second to this is Frontier Airlines who have a 24% refund chance. Virgin Atlantic is also close to the first two companies with 22% refunds on air fares possible. Hawaiian Airlines and JetBlue Airways forms the top 5 with 16% and 14% of the flights eligible to refunds.
TripIT was found in 2006 and its primary idea was to make trip organization far more easy and far less time consuming. The service is offered for mobile phones like iPhone and BlackBerry, as well as Android based devices. For only $4/ month, people can subscribe for the Refund Tracker, and to show off their new product, TripIT offers a 90 day free trial period for customers to try out the service. The subscription for the trial version will end on November 30.

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