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Thracian's Settlement Mound


It is located close to the village of Karanovo, 40 km southwest of Sliven and 10 km west of Nova Zagpra in Bulgaria

This is the largest and oldest settlement mound in the territory of Europe. Seven consecutive archaeological cultural strata have been found in it, reflecting the stages of development of the material culture of the prehistoric society in Thrace. The strata prove that there had been settlements in the course of 4 millennia – from the 6th millennium B.C. (early New Stone Age) to the 2nd millennium B.C. (early Bronze Age). As a result of the investigations, the Karanovo chronological system has been worked out, serving as a standard in the synchronization of the European pre-historical cultures.

Some of the archaeological finds are in a specially built structure by the side of the mound.

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